Convincing Elderly Relatives That They Need Home Care

Convincing Elderly Relatives That They Need Home Care


Larry Chandler

The vast majority of people in their golden years would prefer to live at their home rather than go to some type of assisted living facility. Research states that most of our elderly citizens actually live at their place until it is no longer physically possible. Unfortunately, many of these people need a bit of assistance in one fashion or another. For instance, some people have full use of their mental abilities but need help with basic tasks like cleaning or dressing themselves. Other people might be perfectly capable of feeding, bathing and dressing themselves but are forgetful and need help to stay up to date with their medicine schedule. For this reason many family members feel the need to hire additional help with some of these home care items.Convincing the PatientA majority of elderly people feel that outside help is an intrusion on their privacy or a step towards losing independence. Thus, it takes a bit of work on the relatives to convince these people that they actually need some elder care. If you are dealing with two elderly people, such as a wife and husband, then you may have an easier time. One strategy that works well is to talk to the person that is in better health. If the wife is in bad health and the husband is doing much better, it would be wise to approach the husband and point out that the wife needs some extra help. Trying to do the cooking, cleaning and other duties, in her physical condition, might be too much strain on her. Getting a little help with these basic home care needs could relieve stress on the wife and make her a lot happier, something the husband would likely agree to.Furthermore, focusing on the home chores will make it easier to convince the patients of their need. Once they have agreed to let people come in the home to do some of these routine tasks it will be easier to allow the people to slowly start to help with other chores such as laying out medications, assist with dressing and other more personal tasks.Alternative StrategyIf the previous strategy does not work in convincing a married couple of their need for help, or if you are dealing with only one senior citizen, then you will need to try an alternative. This strategy focuses on convincing the patients that agreeing to home care will be a big help to you. This is especially effective if you are trying to provide all of their care on your own. Most parents are willing to do anything that will make life easier for their kids. Convincing your relatives that you need some help taking care of the grocery shopping, picking up meds from the pharmacy and cleaning the home will likely be an easy assignment.The most important thing to remember is to approach the situation in a way that allows the senior citizen to make a choice, rather than have a bunch of orders thrust upon them. This will give them the chance to keep some of their independence while also getting much needed home care.

Larry Chandler is a freelance writer for Visiting Angels a company that offers


elder care

services in the form of in home care. To learn about their in-home services visit their website at

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