Maine Legal Hunting Hours 2022

Understanding Legal Hunting Hours in Maine for 2022

2022 is opening up new opportunities for hunters in Maine. State laws dictate specific regulations for hunting hours that sportsmen and women must abide by to maintain ethical, sustainable, and legal hunting practices. Indeed, these WIRES of regulation are instrumental in orchestrating hunting activities and wildlife conservation initiatives in the state. In this article, we’ll provide a detailed overview of Maine’s legal hunting hours in 2022 along with some valuable tips to ensure a smooth and successful hunting season.

Establishing the Legal Hunting Hours

Maine’s Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (DIFW) manages the state’s hunting regulations. Each year, the department reviews, amends, and sometimes changes the hunting hours in response to various factors such as wildlife population trends, hunter habits, environmental changes, and new legislation. As one might expect, hunters are keenly interested in learning these schedules, as they impact hunting strategies and influence harvest numbers.

To ensure compliance, hunters use the legal shooting hours chart provided by the DIFW – this chart details the specific sunrise and sunset times according to geographical location and date. In 2022, the general rule of thumb is that hunting is permitted from 30 minutes before sunrise until 30 minutes after sunset. However, be aware that there may be exceptions for specific species or hunting seasons.

Legal hunting hours also apply to certain types of wildlife that may require special considerations. The regulation referred to as WIRES – Wildlife Incident Reporting and Emergency System – is crucial in such situations. This system is used for reporting incidents involving protected species, special hunting situations, and emergencies.

Consideration for the Safety of Hunters and Wildlife

Setting legal hunting hours is not just about defining game rules. It also ensures the safety of hunters and the sustainability of wildlife populations. Hunting during twilight hours can pose safety risks due to limited visibility. Therefore, the restriction of hunting to daylight hours reduces risk and promotes humane and ethical hunting practices.

Tips for Hunting in Maine 2022

1. Understand the Hunting Hours: Familiarize yourself with the legal hunting hours and adjust your hunting schedule accordingly.

2. Check the WIRES System Regularly: As a responsible hunter, regularly check the WIRES system for any updates on the species you intend to hunt.

3. Follow Rules and Regulations: Ensure to comply with all rules and regulations set by the DIFW, including hunting hours, to promote ethical and sustainable hunting.


As the 2022 hunting season approaches in Maine, understanding the legal hunting hours will maximize your hunting experiences and ensure compliance with the state’s game laws. Adhering to these laws is not just about following rules – it’s an integral part of maintaining the delicate balance of Maine’s rich wildlife habitats and promoting sustainable hunting traditions.